Jump up and fall.

I've been feeling like an injury magnet lately..
injuries from softball all the time.
injury count: 5
Left shin,-it's swollen.(softball hit it)
Left Leg Toe-Swollen(softball hit it)
Left Hand thumb-pain when moved.(softball hit it)
Right let-Cut(Went into the trees to get the ball)
Head-Bump on top-(softball hit it)
I still don't know why i bother blogging cause i think barely anyone reads, but it's a way for me to fill up my time.
 We've got to do this Mind Map stuff to get marks for our test. So maarfan i guess i'll have to do it sooner or later.

The holidays are soo boring, i remember at a point i enjoyed the holidays. i have no idea why but i did. I guess im going to take a nap or something about now. not really getting enough sleep and it's over exhaustion from softball.


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