Holiday Inn

Holiday Updates So Far.
  1.  Cycled as far as Subang, To aman suria, to taman bahagia. yes.. on my bike, no cab. But there was obviously company. Such as Julian,Craig, Weng Wai, Marn Keon, Kailiang, and Liang's friend Yu Yang
  2. Busted My Bike, which was Brand New after two days of hardcore Cycling.
  3. Repaired my bike at the cost of RM18
  4. Owned with Balanar By my side :) But still lost the match..
  5. Got Addicted To The Hush Sound.
  6. Went down steep hills with my Partners in Crime.
  7. Managed to get blisters from riding a Bike.
  8. Went to julian's house and saw his Les Paul
  9. Saw erving wearing really short shorts.
  10. Had many talks about girls to politics, to future planning, to prom, to convertibles. making us feel matured haha.
  11. We went on the roof of the carpark and discovered the coolest place to jam, play futsal, make out and more.

Ok, getting too late to blog, and i'm getting nagged. goodnight :)
will update more next time.

A Day Out

Amongst The 15 hours Spent today.
Just so you guys know, i was dragged to a seminar this morning.
"Mindset Of A Millionare"

 Yeah, you prolly guessed it. My mum forced me to go.
I did not have a good time there, the seminar isn't really suitable for kids my age.
          It was more adult base-ed, and yes majority were adults, there were people 20 years old
to retired souls as old as 70 years old.

Because i was forced, i obviously did not enjoy my time there. But, i have to give credit to the speakers who managed to still think straight after talking for hours.

But, throughout the whole 15 hours I spent sitting down and listening. I know that i've learned something, a few things actually.

Thing #1
         Basically, after listening to his long explainations. something actually did catch my attention, yes he said something worth listening. That is Tomorrow is just an imagination, everyday you think to yourself about the future that's all what Might happen. The mind's favourite word is What If? what if we lose? what if i get into an injury?what if the world ends tomorrow?

         Whenever you're doing something, You Need To Be Focus-ed. when you start asking questions like these, your mind starts to get doubtful on whats going to happen. Once you lose confidence and start to doubt, you are going to fail. A successful person has plenty of doubts and thoughts about it, but they know how to overcome them easily.

Thing #2
       Ok, nextly. Sometimes you can't put too much thought into something. The speaker took nike's catch phrase as an example, Just Do It. that part of the phrase was just the ending words from an entire paragraph. But it's true, i mean do think rasionally before you do something. But don't think forever. if you keep thinking, you're never going to take action. One Right Action Is Worth A Thousand Years Of Thinking. I still remember the phrase :D
        Yeah, i do agree with that. This doesn't mean you should not think, "oh cool a dog, i'm going to bring it home and rare it forever and ever <3">
Thing #3
      Do not hesitate, hesitation is also caused from doubts and thinking too long. when we were taught this, we had to do an exercise of breaking an arrow in half using one of softest part of our body,(i couldn't do it cause i was underage) it's underneath the adam's apple between the two bones under your neck, there's a hollow part where when you push it in you'll gag and choke a bit. The trick of the exercise was to do it at a moderate pace and not stop or else the arrow will not break.
       This taught us that when we do something, do it with full effort and complete what you do.
Or you will regret and feel the pain. Do continue on with whatever you do and don't give up.

Time To Say goodnight.

Ok, that's all for this time. i think i should stop bloggin now as i just came back from the seminar.
I have another week to spend lazing around in the house gaining weight and doing nothing until genting comes. goodnight!


Can't wait for Click 5 :)
this is just so my blog doesn't look as dead.

Guide For Morons: How To Get Your Parents To Let You out.

During the stressful examination period, you all discuss between yourselves and talk about all the torcher you guys have been through studying late nights with the coffee by your sides. You talk about how great it's going to be and how many times you're going to go out after the exams.
Then right after your exams you go out to celebrate. this always happens, you say your going to go out like crazy but you are only able to go out once or twice a week. keep on reading to find out how you can change this.

Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Bilangan Kali Kita Keluar.
#1 Parents.
This variates, it depends how strict your parents are. If they're mine, you better be thanking lord if you manage to go out twice a week. Yeah, damn right. My parents aren't really strict, but they won't let me go out that much, especially my mom. My dad is pretty reasonable but there are times he can be strict to the max and just say no.

#2 Money.
Yes, this is definetely needed. when it comes to watching a movie, going for a foos, bowling, skating etc etc.. The average needed everytime you go out is around 30 bucks. food, drinks, and extras. Try to be as conservative as possible when going out as the money can be saved for next time.

#3 Transport
You will need to get there and back. forms of transport are such as mom,dad,uncle,taxi,bus,walking. you will also need it to be two way, there and back. sometimes you'll want to go for an extra checkpoint.

Cara-cara Untuk Mendapat Kebenaran Keluar.
   All you really need to do is to get well prepared and keep your fingers crossed. Parents want to see responsibility, make sure you've got all you transport arranged, who's going, their phone numbers, prepare your own money, how your coming back, time, place, and just make sure you ask them when their not in a bad mood.
    If this fails, attempt to make up excuses on why you should go. try to make comparison with others and show them how they are compared to others. they'll think you're a darling angel.
When you do go, try not to get home late or else you can kiss goodbye to going out again for at least another week.

Random Fact About Parents #1
        Most of the time, parents can be really kiasu, like my mom pretty much blames me most of the time and she's right, but when she blames me for something that i didn't do and she finds out that i didn't do it, she'll find something else to rat on me about. such as when 
she thinks i took her things and actually she misplaced it. she just talks about how irresponsible i 
am such as bla bla bla and bla bla bla, and when you argue she'll threatened to ground you or don't know what stuff so she doesn't lose. but they do this because their not going to lose face in front of you, then you'll know that she's a pushover and you can get anything you want. then there's no more self control.

Random Fact About Parents #2
        Usually it's the Dad who's the fierce one. You feel scared and guilty when they scold you but when your mom scolds you, you think to yourself "shit you..." yet you restrain yourself, right julian?. You know you've lost the battle when your dad raises his voice. that's the sign that you've crossed the border line and you're tresspassing. Do not do that, unless you intend to get him pissed. it's not a pretty sight, He'll look like a murderer who's just broke out of jail, and trust me his bark will be bad.
 If you follow these steps and guides, you should be able to increase how many times you go out in a week. If this doesn't happen, moneyback guarantee( considering you guys didn't pay anything :D) But if this guide really doesn't work, don't blame me. there's just something wrong 
with you :) kidding. do keep on reading this blog for more updates.

Another Goodbye

I guess i'm supposed to post something happy now that exams are over. i was but something's 
come up and i think it's important. Not very good news.      
           It started 2 weeks ago, I rode to tuition on my bike. my sister then found a stray cat and decided to bring it back home with us. we kept it at our back alley when our parents were around as they wouldn't let us keep a cat. keeping it everyday and just bringing it in the house every once in a while. It was a rather cute cat, pretty tame. but it was really playful.
            For the next few days, we would bring in the cat almost everyday. i've hugged it kissed it. Me and my sister were pretty comfortable with it hanging around us. you know just climbing on our laps, shoulders. nibbling at our feet and hands. we fed it on a daily basis because it was pretty small and it would be hard for it to get it's own food. We bathed it, cleaned it and spent our time with it.
            Even though it was just 2 weeks of love, but it meant alot. everytime i took out my book to study it would bite around my pages, so i had to just let it nibble on my fingers to keep it entertained. when i had my phone calls it would swipe at the phone line and ocassionally manage to pluck out the line. i would then have to put it on my lap and stroke it to keep it from bothering me.
           It's fallen asleep on my lap numerous times. i've fallen asleep while it rested on my tummy, when i woke up i was pretty startled to see a furry ball rested and curled on my stomach. It had a slight wound on it's right ear, we washed it and placed medicine every once in a while. In fact the wound was healing pretty well. it was almost normal. How much me and my sister loved the cat, as if it was with us for years. it scratched me a number of times( i have a few scars) but it's all no harm meant.
             We would run to put it outside when my mom came home. we always rushed, i guess that's how we got cut most of the time. Then just recently, i came home today. expecting a good day, i went to the back alley to call it out. it ran and circled, then a car zoom-ed pass by and struck it. How scared my heart was. i panicked, the shivers sent down my spine. i could just burst right there. but i knew it wasn't appropriate. i rushed to get the keys and brought it in the house. it was twitching. It's the most nerve racking thing to watch something die and twitch. My hands shook as i watched the cat die. my heart felt this utterly weird feeling, not sad. but i felt useless. Angry because i didn't do anything to save the cat. It was as if all the bones were broken, my hands shiver as i write this blog post. the pictures of the incident flash past my mind.
           A truly traumatizing experience watching something you love, die in front of you. It's just so frustrating and the image repeats over and over again, i need to get over it. You won't feel very strong once you've lost something you love. and this time, it was just a cat. what will happen when someone really dear to me leaves my side. i couldn't bear to see my maid and my sister bury the cat. so i just stayed back, flashes of the cat dead on the floor with blood our of it's mouth bear in my mind. i still remember how cute it was when it meow-ed at me when it was hungry or wanted to play.
          Just hope that all of you know, you should really treasure whatever's by your side. here's another departure to a better place. i hope the cat was put out of it's misery as soon as possible.
Just know that, everything you have now. It can go away in the blink of an eye. In fact, we haven't given it a name. but all in all, just hope it knows we love it.
Like this post? you can do me a favour by clicking here :)

Happy Mother's Day.

Here's to my dear mom who's spent her last 14 years sacrificing for me, the one who's always been there to make sure i bring extra underwear.
Dear Mum,
        I know when i was still a baby you're the one who would wake up in the middle of the night to feed
me milk or just to rock me back to sleep. You changed my diapers everytime i needed you to, when i needed 
a laugh you used to make funny faces which would probably just crack me up. You would hug me and give me a kiss everyday before you go to work. I spent 9 months in your tummy that's a bond we'll never share with anyone else :).
         Then when i got older, you bought me all the little toys i want. except for the playstation i wanted so badly 
(i never got it :P), but i know you meant well and didn't want to waste money.  You allowed me to go to kindergarten
a year earlier because you didn't want me to stay at home alone and you worried about me. And who can
forget about my lifelong companion which your brother got me, my brown toy dog. brownie :)  it's my 
beloved dear friend whom i've kept for 13 years and i'm not planning to give it up anytime soon.
        When i reached primary school you spent the late nights with me checking up on my homework and
teaching me whatever things i didn't get. And now that i've reached double digits you still do check up on me
before i sleep and when i fall asleep with the light on i know you come into my room and help me to switch it
off. I know nowadays we barely spend time going out because we're all so busy, but i'm glad you're my mom.
        I'm sorry for all the trouble i've cause you and i know how much you're going through, no really. just scroll down 
and read my parenting post. You know i love you mum. :)

There's my Mother's Day post.
  Sincere wishes to, Jennifer Yong Chit Moi.*(my mum)

Truly, Indefenetely.

I couldn't help but notice when i was on kenny sia's blog.


if you don't get it. check this picture out.

AHAHAHA, our very own ex-substitute teachers becoming politician

From left to right.Tysern,Don't know who's the next one, Kevin, Chong Xian.
If you guys get more traffic on your blogs. you know who to thank :)


Hey, as you guys know exams are coming up. Yikes :/
so i decided that i should blog one more time.. until after exams that is, so don't expect alot of updates. but make sure you keep checking up on my blog and clicking my ads, cause i only have a lousy rm2.25 in my account.

          This time, i'm going to feedback on another bloggers post. Mr.Dang Kuok Ian.
recently, he posted about parenting and how they could improve. his post was as the following.

What makes a good parent??

this is what im gonna crap about. cause im bored and i need another reason for me not to study =)

so what really makes a good parent? (im 14. so dont expect any adult nonsense from me.)
well, personally, i think a good parent needs to know how to give space. i mean, some parents check up on us at night to see if we're asleep every hour or so. and the lifeless ones check our sms-es. -.- and another thing to being a good parent is learning to share =) im pretty sure that all of our parents give us stuff such as shelter, food, clothes etc. but money? i dont think so. they would give us lets say, RM30 per month? on everything like food, phone credit etc. THEY SHOULD GIVE MORE!! SERIOUSLY... using only RM10 per month on phone bill? and RM20 on food. crappy!!. so they should give more, thats what im trying to say. maybe RM1000?. =P

ok. another thing on being a good parent is freedom... this right here, is very important. cause without this element, teenagers like us cant go for small outings organised by our mates. without this element, we cant go play football in the morning. and most of all, without this element, we cant make friends...... doesnt it just really suck? i know it does. ok. another thing. erm... parents, please dont control your adorable kid's life. seriously. it just pisses them off and makes them wanna cry. you wont want that do you? let them do stuff that they like to do. like, if they wanna pursue their dream of becoming a singer or actor or something out of this world, let them... or better yet, support them!! it makes everyone happy. and another thing, parents should let their kids stay up as late as they like at this age. (13 - ?) cause theyve learned how to think better. you should be trusting them, cause they are your kids.

AND ONE LAST THING... parents, learn to love in a different way =3 be cool about whatever they have achieved. dont ask for more. it will only bring them down. -.-

Now This is My comment.

      The reason our parents check up on us every now and then at night, or whatever is to make sure we're okay. Maybe it can get a little irritating if our parents read our sms-es, but their just interested to find out if we mix with the right people, or are we really going out and not to some stripclub or something.
       Now i definetely know that my parents share alot with me. they give me and allowance of *** , i'm not telling cause i don't want to get robbed or laughed at. but imagine let's say they give an amount of.. RM5 a day? that sums up of around 25 a week. so in a month they would probably spend around rm100 just for your allowance.
       We have to count the transport money, add in another 150, groceries probably 300? then your tuition. if you add up all your tuition it would be an average of 500, don't blame me if i'm wrong i'm just guessing. how about your clothes, when you go out. lets just say hella alot of money and most of us have siblings so that makes them close to being broke. But still they manage to support us and buy us our extra stuff.
       Nextly, freedom. our parents do let us go out pretty often now lets look back at the start, the reason they check our sms-es is so that they know about who we mix with and if we should go out with them. If they didn't control our life, we wouldn't be in school right now, we'd be playing hookey going out all the time and that would make them irresponsible parents.
        I do agree with you in the supporting us, actually most of the time they always support us for better or for worse, usually for better but they still do support us. Most of the time they're the ones funding us with equipment moral support etc etc.. so support is usually already there. They could let their kids stay up late, but i doubt it's very healthy. they already trust us but there's always a limit to how much they can let you go, every parent is afraid of losing their kids.
          The reason why parents are always so overprotective is because they want their kids to have a better future than them, most of our parents weren't as fortunate as we were but then they studied hard and did well, that's why we're here right now. But sometimes parents can get a little irritating cause their still in their own time and the past is hard to forget.

Speaking about parents. Mother's day is coming soon, get off you bum and go buy something for your mom. thank her for everything she's done for you. give her a hug and a big i love you. compliments enlighten almost anyones day :)


it's the big 100th post!

    Check out the past, from my archives on your right. i've been watching this blog since it was just a tiny sucker, and now a full grown hustler. from posts about bimbo's, to things about camps and departures.

i've recently started using nuffnang. thanks to wink who started using it, dang too! so please do us a favour and click on our ads and put a smile on our faces.

speaking about smiles.
Random topic#`1
      you know when someone compliments you, however you try to deny the fact that you enjoyed the compliment, deep inside you obviously did. you really take it to heart and think about it when someone says something nice about you. in fact, sometimes just sending an sms to people to chat with them makes them feel good cause they know of all the people to chat with, they chose you.
    sometimes, when you're feeling down and someone tries to cheer you up by telling you how your not that bad blablabla, you sometimes don't believe it cause it's probably because they might be just giving charity compliments. when cheering someone up, usually all you need is to sob with them and give them a hug. or you can always help them up and give em a hand.
Random topic#`2
     the third party.
       Usually when it comes to matchmaking, there's almost always a third party who makes it work.
like when someone sobs about their lover, they go to a third party to sob to and get advice. then at one point
they get help from that party to sort of indirectly tell them that someone likes them cause you'll
probably believe that someone said something nice about you when you hear it from another persons mouth and not theirs.
       Also with third party involvement, it won't seem so awkward. cause the middle man is there.

                                                                                 just feeling very random-ish today.
    Today is everyone's birthday!                            
                                                                       this post will probably be edited to make sense.
                                                                        sooner or later.