After reading another blogger's post, i decided i should do i different version of it.
click here to see original.
Blogging, the form of typing some rubbish into your very own webpage and conning some suckers to click on your ads so you get money and get to get laid i mean, paid!
Ok kidding.. just playing with you.
Blogging is pretty much using your free time to mess around with codes and make an interesting webpage with good content so people actually have a good time reading it, and not just wasting their time.
Now, bloggin should mainly be for the passion and so that people know what you want to share but if your a good blogger and you have good stuff, why not give yourself a little reward and enjoy some perks of blogging because if you're not given these, blogging
will seem to be pointless and boring at one point.

Dawn Yang.

Kenny Sia.
Due to the quality of interest developed from their readers, word of their success soon spread to others. pretty much making them the media. But, there's also the life of an infamous blogger. Well, if you think infamous is bad. how about Being an UNDERAGE BLOGGER.
No Matter how popular we get, we prolly won't be allowed to attend late night parties because we'd be prohibited by our parents :( even if we did go.. it would mean
No touching..

No Underage Drinking..

And No clubbing :(

That pretty much sums up the life of an underage blogger :(
sad to say i am one.. but don't worry, i can still collect your money people. so feel free to send
pity money towards my bank account.. which i don't have because i'm underage -.-
you know what? just click on my ads and keep reading in the future.
bye :)
Very Good..sorry i cant comment on innit..apparently i haved exceeded the max no of tries
Haha. Okay okay. Will click on your add. Haha. Good one with the underage drinking and the clubbing. The pics rock. =p
Yea , underage blogger have too much restriction to follow . :/
hey, i thought we're not supposed to 'mislead' readers to click on the ads?
anyway.. haha yeah.. poor underaged blogger...
hahahha, underage blogging has loadsa restrictions. but i'm glad to see blogging about it has increased my readership :DD.
thanks everyone :p
way to go underage blogger!! hahaha
Soon you won't be underage.
LOL. dam boy...youre such a good the ''clubbing'' part. dont worry...youll be famous once u can get out of the house n partay. all the ''older'' bloggers will take u out.. :P
rock on!
enjoy you under-age coz trust me once you get over-age, its supa messy.
reppin over-age blogger nationwide
lets hope when i'm legal then you guys won't be too old so i'll still have people to go with me to naughty naughty :)
ahaha,i was laughing my ass off while reading your blog post a while ago,especially the "no clubbing" part,ahah. nice one. :)
the thing about being underage is that.... you will be forgiven for all your mistakes.
Ehehe, why not exploit that?
Wah you all don't corrupt my student YuKane kay?
It's the TEACHER's job!
:D good post there bud!
maybe one day i'll go into that hahah :) "exploit it i shall"
the corruption started when mr kev and his gangsters came into my room during my keahlian camp and told me that they were going clubbing but ended up going for nuffnang's pajama party.
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