Have you guys ever watched those dating movies?
yeah the one where there's like.. a pretty boy and some loser who can't get a date.
yeah those movies.
Ok, basically in relationships, there are a few kind of guys..
What Kind Of Guy Are You?
The Playboy.

The Nerd.

Actor/Attention Seeking Guy?

Omg, Chinese!

Can't We Just Be friends Guy.

Ok, kidding about the chinese.
The Playboy.
Well, the Playboy guy pretty much usually has the really good looks and all. but NORMALLY, his personality would be shitty cause he already knows he doesn't have to even try to get some girls. The problem with these guys are that since girls are so easy to get, they just treat them like bullshit. they couldn't care less if their girls leave because they know there are a ton of other girls wanting to be with them.
The Nerd
This is the guy who barely speaks to girls. At the sight of a girl he would cower behind his other friends or just give her the cold shoulder. they just don't know what to say, and the fear of screwing up and making them look dumb is always there. Out of sheer nervous-ness maybe they let out a snort then they embarrass themselves and never want to talk to the girl again.
Actor/Attention Seeker Guy.
These are the smart ass-es who think they're smart and hot when they're not, with loud screams trying to attract attention. maybe a little bit of drama to make the others peep at you and trying to make them care. Pretty much your basic attention seeker, they just go around trying to pick up girls but never succeeding because they're just too arrogant.
(i used julian's picture because i couldn't stand the temptation of not putting the picture up xD. It has nothing to do with you jul.)
Chinese Guy
That was just for laughs ahha, No offence jeremy :)
Can't We Just Be Friends Guy.
This is your typical nice guy. the one that maybe doesn't have all the good looks, but his heart is pretty much in the right place. he's also usually got an ok personality, the kind of guy a girl would want as a best friend. When he falls in love, he becomes the guy in movies who tries his hardest but hardly ever gets the girl. He's just too nice? He's the guy who would never leave his girl, but he has trouble finding a girl to be his. When he attempts to pop the question, he usually comes home with the reply "Can't We Just Be Friends?"
Do leave Comments ahha, and tell me. What Kind Of Guy Are You?