Arrivals, and departures.

I just have this strange, somehow utterly awkward feeling.

       The hands who delivered me, the guy who watched my mom suffer through long hours trying
to deliver what god gave my mom. after the 9 long months of waiting it would all have came down to those specific hours,
and he was the man whom my parents trusted to deliver me. he's the man whom my mother would see for ultraviolet testings to see if i was alive. It's just.. strange, one of the first faces i would've seen. and it was probably his.. gynaecologists don't get enough credit. the people who bring miracles to the world for every miracle that is lost.

      The guy has probably witnessed hundreds of miracles come to life. but i guess it was time he stopped, when the time comes we can't do anything. we've all got to move on. But it's just so weird that god takes away one of the hands that brings his miracles to this world, Maybe it's because the miracles he has brought in are now officially big enough and ready to take
his task and give him a good rest so he's ready for the next stage. There's nothing i can do for him now, just a reminder to all. express your love to those around you now before they're gone.
My Deepest Condolences To One Of God's Miracle Workers,

    Doctor Jeremy Chuah Cheng Yau
                 who passed away at the age of 53 on the 17th of april 2008.

           Another Departure by Our beloved temporary school teachers, Mr Chuah, Tysern, Kevin, Ming Kuan, Abel,Patrick. I'll remember the first time Mr Chuah walked into my class, we wondered why was there such a young teacher teaching here, soon the gang came.. Tysern, Kinky Minky, Abel, Patrick, and Kevin.
           One of the most exciting times of the school year happened with you guys. All the naughty acts, and the good laughs shared. It was no more a teacher student bond,It was more like being buddies and having fun all around. But every hello has got to have a goodbye, But we're not done yet and we have a long time more before we bid each other farewell. Let us all remember the laughs shared and keep in touch.
 Now that you guys have left, No longer will we hear the yelling's Mr Chuah!! Mr Tysern!! Mr Kevin!! Mr Patrick!! around the school .. etc etc... Now it's probably just going to be plain old Chong Xian Or Tysern Kevin Patrick etc etc..

 Just Because we don't call you guys Mr anymore doesn't mean we don't respect you guys. You guys are probably the coolest, dumbest, nerdiest, funniest, gayest bunch of teachers(ex) around.


for now. :)


Yu Kane said...

Thanks! i really hope you'll continue reading as i feed this blog with whatever thoughts that come to my mind.

sochau said...

This maybe too late but i just found out .....yes , you are right, he is God's Miracle Workers. GREAT doctor.