B:I went to the blizzard 2007 triplex camp.
A:What the hell is that?
A: no

Sorry, but the triplexians are currently owning.
please try again later.
WHOAAA, triplex is like the coolest thing ever!.
the warcraft were divided into 2
the HORDE!
and the alliance....
The horde consisted of 3 patrols
forsaken (undead)
arcane guardians (blood elves)
darkspear tribe(orcs)
while the alliance
exiled ones(dranei)
obviously the horde is much better.
THE HORDE GO.. shalalalala
isn't that the coolest cheer ever? yeah christian thought of it.
who's christian?
i dunno. some guy maybe..
prepare for a really long post filled with alot of magnificent triplex crap.
to all you triplexians who have worried parents, sir collin has produced a letter for you guys to send you your parents,
Dear mama & papa,
our camp cheif Demon -nilox- told us all write to our parents in case you saw the flood on tv and worried. we are ok. only 3 tents floated away off the waterfalls.Luckily none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for chee ming when it happened.
oh yes, please call chee ming's mother and tell her he is ok. he can't write because he lost his right hand. I got to ride in one of the search and rescue jeeps. it was neat. we never would have found him in the dark if it hadn't been for jeremiah setting up part of the forest on fire.
the fire was an accident of course. jeremiah did not mean for it to happen. he was just trying to see what would happen if wei liam farted to a pot full of kerosene. it was pretty cool when the kerosene flared up in andrew and chee meng's faces, now all of them look like benjamin!
sir jeremy got mad at chan yong for going on a hike alone without telling anyoe. chan yong said he did tell him, but it was during the explosion so he probably didn't hear him.
did you know that if you put a tin of butane gas on fire, the gas can will blow up? the wet wood still didn't burn, but one of our tents did.also some of our clothes. sarah is going to look weird until her hair grows back.
we will be home on saturday if sir dawson gets the car fixed. it wasn't his fault about the wreck. the brakes worked fine when we left.
miss keng imm said that a car that old you have to expect something to break down. that's probably why sir dawson can't get insurance on it. we think it'sa neat car, he doesn't care if we get it dirty, and if it's hotm sometimes he lets us ride on top and under it.
it gets pretty hot with 10 people in a car. he let us take turns riding in the trailer until a policeman stopped and talked to us.
Are you scouts bored of a normal not owning camp?
well, now we present to you ..
why the hell are the font's so damn small? -.-

well, now we present to you ..
why the hell are the font's so damn small? -.-

Sorry, but the triplexians are currently owning.
please try again later.
WHOAAA, triplex is like the coolest thing ever!.
the warcraft were divided into 2
the HORDE!
and the alliance....
The horde consisted of 3 patrols
forsaken (undead)
arcane guardians (blood elves)
darkspear tribe(orcs)
while the alliance
exiled ones(dranei)
obviously the horde is much better.
THE HORDE GO.. shalalalala
isn't that the coolest cheer ever? yeah christian thought of it.
who's christian?
i dunno. some guy maybe..
prepare for a really long post filled with alot of magnificent triplex crap.
to all you triplexians who have worried parents, sir collin has produced a letter for you guys to send you your parents,
Dear mama & papa,
our camp cheif Demon -nilox- told us all write to our parents in case you saw the flood on tv and worried. we are ok. only 3 tents floated away off the waterfalls.Luckily none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for chee ming when it happened.
oh yes, please call chee ming's mother and tell her he is ok. he can't write because he lost his right hand. I got to ride in one of the search and rescue jeeps. it was neat. we never would have found him in the dark if it hadn't been for jeremiah setting up part of the forest on fire.
the fire was an accident of course. jeremiah did not mean for it to happen. he was just trying to see what would happen if wei liam farted to a pot full of kerosene. it was pretty cool when the kerosene flared up in andrew and chee meng's faces, now all of them look like benjamin!
sir jeremy got mad at chan yong for going on a hike alone without telling anyoe. chan yong said he did tell him, but it was during the explosion so he probably didn't hear him.
did you know that if you put a tin of butane gas on fire, the gas can will blow up? the wet wood still didn't burn, but one of our tents did.also some of our clothes. sarah is going to look weird until her hair grows back.
we will be home on saturday if sir dawson gets the car fixed. it wasn't his fault about the wreck. the brakes worked fine when we left.
miss keng imm said that a car that old you have to expect something to break down. that's probably why sir dawson can't get insurance on it. we think it'sa neat car, he doesn't care if we get it dirty, and if it's hotm sometimes he lets us ride on top and under it.
it gets pretty hot with 10 people in a car. he let us take turns riding in the trailer until a policeman stopped and talked to us.
the other letter is really cool too. but my hands hurt from typing my ring finger is sorta gushing out red stuff but i guess it doesn't hurt that bad. im still wondering why this thing that followed me home from camp won't stop sticking to my forehead. my mom says it's a leech and i should let it suck until it's full. but right now i don't think it's very full. it's only 3 inches wide and 5 inches long. i guess i can let it stay on some more, but my face is starting to get a little pale.
now, back to triplex.
FIRST.. day
well, on the first day... we gathered at smktropicana. i saw my patrol and i was holding my big huge bag which is pretty retarded . i saw a few other scouts. then we made our way in... so we went on the bus to the stripcl...i mean triplex camp area.. on the bus it was so damn fun... liang alex christian keming me were all doing shitty strip teases..
when we reached to the area we had to form a human chain to get all the stuff at the camp site.then while doing the human chain we noticed a few monkeys eyeing for our nuts.. we brought nuts for our roti lilit to increase the flavour...then there we had our istiadat then went to our camp sites. that day we just mainly built tents. at night we went to the demonic temple and presented our songs all had alot of fun.. at night we were supposed to be on sentry. but i was stoning while holding our flight something shed ship whatever i dunno..
then after we were done i konked out and fell asleep that night i had 3 hours of sleep.. it was damn long..
in the morning sean managed to get up of sentry while kai chun slept like a pig.. he had like 6 hours of sleep -.-
second day..
i woke up with a stomach ache..i thought it was diarrhea but i just had gastric from not eating enough.. what? fat people need to eat what.. then we had our mi. *mission impossible*? note lame joke by sean*
morning inspection lah.. so we did mi then blablabla breakfast.. blablabla istiadat.. then we captured craig..
but our flag got stolen -.-...then for lunch we had burger! we presented it.. sir dawson said it was great and then when we presented it to sir colin..oh..crap.. he was in alliance.. me and keming ran for our lives.. through the back where all the mud was.. luckily we had commando crawl.. obviously forsaken finished first..
the crapped our way with sir dawson.. potatoes and toiletbowls.. whatever.. then we went to present to sir colin.. i got dunno what card. i forgot. then we prepared for obh. operasi burung hantu and we did all the morse code things to save sean and ivan..and kai chun.. whatever blablabla.....
then we had to do some stuff. i dunno what but i think we build the stuff.. me and wen yang stayed up until 4.o0 for sentry. then keming and kaichun dun wanna do sentry but we made them get up anyway.. then me and wen yang slept till 6.30. 2 and a half hours of sleep. not bad..
3rd day.
we got up and did morning exercise like everyday.. then we had our mi.. today was backwoods day..we got our stuff ready..and went off hiking.. omg man -.- we took the wrong way after hiking for an hour.. so we had to go another direction.. then when we reached there i dug a hole with the help of sean and ivan.. our food wasn't good today because we were missing our super chef su jane.. so we just kept doing..
How to make an almost edible fiji chicken.
1.dig a hole 1 arms length deep and wide.
2.start a really hot fire.
3. wait till it's amber.
4.bury the hole with a thin layer of soil.
5.put the chicken wrapped in aluminuim foil or banana leaf.
6.bury the chicken with another thin layer of sand.
7.start another hot fire on top.
8.wait for roughly 20-30 minutes.
9.take out the chicken.
and there.. it's done..
are you wondering why you are listening to me when my chicken didn't even turn out well?
a. my chicken didn't turn out well because su jane wasn't here..
b.do you wanna wake up with only one ball?
next... then we came back..
it was mk night( malam kebudayaan malam) wth?
so we had some of the parents come.. tonight mr ekbert and another scout senior was here i forgot the other ones name because it's longer. then we had our performance.. i think we should've done the pasar malam sketch because it's more malaysian..
then we went back after that..
i wanted to stay up the whole night but i had to sleep.. i fell asleep for an hour i think..
but it was damn cool that night..
from what my patrol says..
i was unconsious.. from 12-2 somewhere there. they were wondering where was i.. i don't remember myself..
wen yang said that he suddenly saw me appear near the place where we kept all our stuff.. my face was blank..
so he shined the flashlight at me.. still no reaction.. so he just walked away.. then he said i followed him..
when i gained conciousness again i remember i was watching them build the gerbang's first tripod..
that was weird.. then i think i was too tired.. so i went to sleep at around 5. and woke up at 6 something.
last day..
i woke up..blablabla then mi .. i had to bite a plastic bag. so while singing the negaraku it sounded like.. berdarahku all that shit...then we went back.. whatever.. my fingers have stopped bleeding now.. but the keyboard is really red.. so i guess im pretty tired.. this'll be a lil bit shorter.. we went back and had roti canai for lunch... then ivan got best apl su jane best qmm i got semangat impeesa :D others got it too. liang got best qma.. that's freaking cool.. go liang! then i think jyn got impeesa.. and alot of people.. but the best thing was patrol forsaken got the best patrol! damn happy :D then we did istiadat... shaked hands with everyone.. and then i went home.. we gotta go back on saturday so i can see my fellow triplexians again..then i went home..
and played basketball! i know im crazy.. then i smelled myself.. i smelled really scary.. like rotten mushrooms..MUSHROOMS.. then i slept at 9 and woke up at 9.30..
well triplex was really the best camp ever.. i also built my first tenth..not only that, my first tenth was a double deckered tenth.. damn cool.. ivan wen yang keming sean su jane krystle and kai chun rock...
we learned the slaves cheer..
then liang's umm.. belacan boys cheer?
and mine :D
im going to sir colins house with craig liang jyn all to get briefings for our usaha logbook..
im in a really scouty mood right now..
this is like a super long post..
im going off now..
p.s. teh tarik.
now, back to triplex.
FIRST.. day
well, on the first day... we gathered at smktropicana. i saw my patrol and i was holding my big huge bag which is pretty retarded . i saw a few other scouts. then we made our way in... so we went on the bus to the stripcl...i mean triplex camp area.. on the bus it was so damn fun... liang alex christian keming me were all doing shitty strip teases..
when we reached to the area we had to form a human chain to get all the stuff at the camp site.then while doing the human chain we noticed a few monkeys eyeing for our nuts.. we brought nuts for our roti lilit to increase the flavour...then there we had our istiadat then went to our camp sites. that day we just mainly built tents. at night we went to the demonic temple and presented our songs all had alot of fun.. at night we were supposed to be on sentry. but i was stoning while holding our flight something shed ship whatever i dunno..
then after we were done i konked out and fell asleep that night i had 3 hours of sleep.. it was damn long..
in the morning sean managed to get up of sentry while kai chun slept like a pig.. he had like 6 hours of sleep -.-
second day..
i woke up with a stomach ache..i thought it was diarrhea but i just had gastric from not eating enough.. what? fat people need to eat what.. then we had our mi. *mission impossible*? note lame joke by sean*
morning inspection lah.. so we did mi then blablabla breakfast.. blablabla istiadat.. then we captured craig..
but our flag got stolen -.-...then for lunch we had burger! we presented it.. sir dawson said it was great and then when we presented it to sir colin..oh..crap.. he was in alliance.. me and keming ran for our lives.. through the back where all the mud was.. luckily we had commando crawl.. obviously forsaken finished first..
the crapped our way with sir dawson.. potatoes and toiletbowls.. whatever.. then we went to present to sir colin.. i got dunno what card. i forgot. then we prepared for obh. operasi burung hantu and we did all the morse code things to save sean and ivan..and kai chun.. whatever blablabla.....
then we had to do some stuff. i dunno what but i think we build the stuff.. me and wen yang stayed up until 4.o0 for sentry. then keming and kaichun dun wanna do sentry but we made them get up anyway.. then me and wen yang slept till 6.30. 2 and a half hours of sleep. not bad..
3rd day.
we got up and did morning exercise like everyday.. then we had our mi.. today was backwoods day..we got our stuff ready..and went off hiking.. omg man -.- we took the wrong way after hiking for an hour.. so we had to go another direction.. then when we reached there i dug a hole with the help of sean and ivan.. our food wasn't good today because we were missing our super chef su jane.. so we just kept doing..
How to make an almost edible fiji chicken.
1.dig a hole 1 arms length deep and wide.
2.start a really hot fire.
3. wait till it's amber.
4.bury the hole with a thin layer of soil.
5.put the chicken wrapped in aluminuim foil or banana leaf.
6.bury the chicken with another thin layer of sand.
7.start another hot fire on top.
8.wait for roughly 20-30 minutes.
9.take out the chicken.
and there.. it's done..
are you wondering why you are listening to me when my chicken didn't even turn out well?
a. my chicken didn't turn out well because su jane wasn't here..
b.do you wanna wake up with only one ball?
next... then we came back..
it was mk night( malam kebudayaan malam) wth?
so we had some of the parents come.. tonight mr ekbert and another scout senior was here i forgot the other ones name because it's longer. then we had our performance.. i think we should've done the pasar malam sketch because it's more malaysian..
then we went back after that..
i wanted to stay up the whole night but i had to sleep.. i fell asleep for an hour i think..
but it was damn cool that night..
from what my patrol says..
i was unconsious.. from 12-2 somewhere there. they were wondering where was i.. i don't remember myself..
wen yang said that he suddenly saw me appear near the place where we kept all our stuff.. my face was blank..
so he shined the flashlight at me.. still no reaction.. so he just walked away.. then he said i followed him..
when i gained conciousness again i remember i was watching them build the gerbang's first tripod..
that was weird.. then i think i was too tired.. so i went to sleep at around 5. and woke up at 6 something.
last day..
i woke up..blablabla then mi .. i had to bite a plastic bag. so while singing the negaraku it sounded like.. berdarahku all that shit...then we went back.. whatever.. my fingers have stopped bleeding now.. but the keyboard is really red.. so i guess im pretty tired.. this'll be a lil bit shorter.. we went back and had roti canai for lunch... then ivan got best apl su jane best qmm i got semangat impeesa :D others got it too. liang got best qma.. that's freaking cool.. go liang! then i think jyn got impeesa.. and alot of people.. but the best thing was patrol forsaken got the best patrol! damn happy :D then we did istiadat... shaked hands with everyone.. and then i went home.. we gotta go back on saturday so i can see my fellow triplexians again..then i went home..
and played basketball! i know im crazy.. then i smelled myself.. i smelled really scary.. like rotten mushrooms..MUSHROOMS.. then i slept at 9 and woke up at 9.30..
well triplex was really the best camp ever.. i also built my first tenth..not only that, my first tenth was a double deckered tenth.. damn cool.. ivan wen yang keming sean su jane krystle and kai chun rock...
we learned the slaves cheer..
then liang's umm.. belacan boys cheer?
and mine :D
im going to sir colins house with craig liang jyn all to get briefings for our usaha logbook..
im in a really scouty mood right now..
this is like a super long post..
im going off now..
p.s. teh tarik.
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