Guide For Morons: How To Get Your Parents To Let You out.

During the stressful examination period, you all discuss between yourselves and talk about all the torcher you guys have been through studying late nights with the coffee by your sides. You talk about how great it's going to be and how many times you're going to go out after the exams.
Then right after your exams you go out to celebrate. this always happens, you say your going to go out like crazy but you are only able to go out once or twice a week. keep on reading to find out how you can change this.

Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Bilangan Kali Kita Keluar.
#1 Parents.
This variates, it depends how strict your parents are. If they're mine, you better be thanking lord if you manage to go out twice a week. Yeah, damn right. My parents aren't really strict, but they won't let me go out that much, especially my mom. My dad is pretty reasonable but there are times he can be strict to the max and just say no.

#2 Money.
Yes, this is definetely needed. when it comes to watching a movie, going for a foos, bowling, skating etc etc.. The average needed everytime you go out is around 30 bucks. food, drinks, and extras. Try to be as conservative as possible when going out as the money can be saved for next time.

#3 Transport
You will need to get there and back. forms of transport are such as mom,dad,uncle,taxi,bus,walking. you will also need it to be two way, there and back. sometimes you'll want to go for an extra checkpoint.

Cara-cara Untuk Mendapat Kebenaran Keluar.
   All you really need to do is to get well prepared and keep your fingers crossed. Parents want to see responsibility, make sure you've got all you transport arranged, who's going, their phone numbers, prepare your own money, how your coming back, time, place, and just make sure you ask them when their not in a bad mood.
    If this fails, attempt to make up excuses on why you should go. try to make comparison with others and show them how they are compared to others. they'll think you're a darling angel.
When you do go, try not to get home late or else you can kiss goodbye to going out again for at least another week.

Random Fact About Parents #1
        Most of the time, parents can be really kiasu, like my mom pretty much blames me most of the time and she's right, but when she blames me for something that i didn't do and she finds out that i didn't do it, she'll find something else to rat on me about. such as when 
she thinks i took her things and actually she misplaced it. she just talks about how irresponsible i 
am such as bla bla bla and bla bla bla, and when you argue she'll threatened to ground you or don't know what stuff so she doesn't lose. but they do this because their not going to lose face in front of you, then you'll know that she's a pushover and you can get anything you want. then there's no more self control.

Random Fact About Parents #2
        Usually it's the Dad who's the fierce one. You feel scared and guilty when they scold you but when your mom scolds you, you think to yourself "shit you..." yet you restrain yourself, right julian?. You know you've lost the battle when your dad raises his voice. that's the sign that you've crossed the border line and you're tresspassing. Do not do that, unless you intend to get him pissed. it's not a pretty sight, He'll look like a murderer who's just broke out of jail, and trust me his bark will be bad.
 If you follow these steps and guides, you should be able to increase how many times you go out in a week. If this doesn't happen, moneyback guarantee( considering you guys didn't pay anything :D) But if this guide really doesn't work, don't blame me. there's just something wrong 
with you :) kidding. do keep on reading this blog for more updates.


Falcon said...

You know what i do to get permission...I don't

Yu Kane said...

ahahhahah i'll try that one day